Let’s now find the chords belonging to the keys of D Minor.
Start with the scale and give each note a scale degree number. Remember, because we are dealing with harmony, we will use the harmonic form of the minor scale:
D | E | F | G | A | A# | C# | D |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 1 |
Read more about the overview of scales and piano chords here. Below you will find the primary and secondary chords of the harmonic scale.
Primary Triads (Chords) in the Key of D Minor
Find the primary triads by building chords on the first, fourth and fifth degrees of the scale:
- Chord i – D Minor: D F A
- Chord iv – G Minor: G A# D
- Chord V – A Major: A C# E
Notice that, as in each minor key, chords one and four are minor, while five is major, thanks to the raised 7th (C#) in the harmonic minor scale.
Secondary Triads (Chords) in the Key of D Minor
Here are the secondary triads in the key of D Minor, built on second, third and sixth degrees of the scale:
- Chord ii° – E diminished: E G A#
- Chord iii+ – F Augmented: F A C#
- Chord VI – A# Major: A# D F
As with all minor keys, chord two will be a diminished chord, chord three an augmented triad and chord six a major.
- Chord vii° – C# diminished: C# E G
As with major scales, building a chord on the seventh note of the harmonic minor scale forms a diminished triad.
Extended Chords
By using the notes of the E Minor scale, we can also build the following four-note extended chords:
- D Minor-Major 7th: D F A C#
- E Half-diminished: E G A# D
- G Minor 7th: G A# D F
- A Dominant 7th (A7): A C# E G
- A# Major 7th: A# D F A
- C# diminished 7th: C# E G A#
More Chords in different Keys:
- C Major
- D Major
- E Major
- F Major
- G Major
- A Major
- B Major
- C Minor
- D Minor (You are reading this)
- E Minor
- F Minor
- G Minor
- A Minor
- B Minor
- Genda Phool - May 27, 2020
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